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Frequently Asked Questions
What is ABA and how does it work?Applied Behavior Analysis, or ABA, is a therapy for autistic people that focuses on teaching necessary and helpful life skills, and also works to reduce dangerous behaviors.
How much therapy should my child get?The amount of therapy each child needs varies greatly. Some children need no more than ten hours per week, while it may be beneficial for another child to receive upwards of thirty hours per week. We will assess and work with you and your child to determine what their needs may be.
Why does ABA require so many hours per week?It can sound like a lot of hours at first, but ABA shouldn't seem like a lot of work for your child. Effective ABA should be fun for your child and should fit into their natural routine. ABA can involve games, and fun activities, and will be an enriching part of your child's day. It is important for our CBTs to spend a lot of time with your child so that they can be there to teach skills or correct behaviors in the moment, rather than trying to address issues well after they've occurred.
Shouldn't my child have down time or "time to be a kid?"Of course! At Lucid we work to create a strong balance of "work" and break time. Keep in mind that we center our services around teaching children with developmental disabilities how to have fun in various ways while integrating the teaching of important skills they can use throughout their lives.
What does an ABA session look like?An ABA session is usually a fun, positive interaction between your child and their therapist. It can include games, activities, learning fun skills, etc. The goal is to use items, activities, and praise that your child finds fun and motivating in order to reward desirable behaviors or the mastery of new skills.
I heard ABA can make kids act like robots. Is that true?The "robotic" behavior that you may have heard of or seen is a result of ABA being implemented incorrectly or with little regard to a child's personhood. At Lucid, we are committed to rewriting the narrative on ABA, and creating a natural, nurturing, and understanding setting in which children can truly be themselves while simultaneously learning important life skills.
Does ABA use punishment?Punishment is typically regarded as something like yelling, spanking, or otherwise hurting a child. We have a zero-tolerance policy on these kinds of behaviors from our staff. At Lucid, "punishment" refers to things like taking away a token or temporarily losing a privilege, and only after explaining it and obtaining permission from the parent or guardian.
Is ABA only for autism?Nope! ABA, while traditionally provided to autistic people, has been shown to be effective for a variety of disabilities! Please feel free to contact us if you have questions about this.
Is ABA good for older children/teens?Absolutely! ABA is simply the scientific principle of learning and motivation in order to teach skills and reduce dangerous (or "problem") behaviors. ABA can be a great tool for teaching social skills, planning, organization, and much more, which people of all ages can benefit from!
How involved can I be in my child's treatment?At Lucid, we love parent involvement! You are free to be as involved as you like! Our goal is to teach not only your child but also to teach you effective ways to help your child for when we aren't around! The more questions you ask, the better!
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